Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Andy, Oppie and Aint Bea

Since it's just me and Georgia in the mornings I've been turning on the TV to the Today Show for some background noise and maybe a little news here and there. When I turned on the TV this morning it was on some other channel and was in the middle of an episode of The Andy Griffith Show. Georgia was mesmerised. She stood there watching it so I just left it on and watched it with her. I don't know if it was entertaining to her because it was black and white or if she just liked watching Oppie because he was a kid or what. She was into it. Kind of funny - C

1 comment:

Megan McCurry said...

Ha ha...The Andy Griffith Show! Carlye...we need to get together again!! Let's talk :)

COme on over to my blog and vote on my new name! Thanks!