I didn't take these pictures, they've been sent to me from other people.

Marc and I spun danced to Coolio's Fantastic Voyage.

I'm on the left filming.

I got to be the MC. This is my impression of Earl Hickey reading off "The Most . . . " results.

Me checking people in and making sure they paid. Everyone did. I was happy.
It's been called "The Party of the Decade" and I'm not going to argue. I had pretty high expectations for the whole weekend and they were surpassed with each event. At Friday's tailgate party we had a pretty good turn out of about 40 people. The hamburgers were unreal they were so good!! A big group of us sat together at the game, I think again about 40 people. Most of us left at half time because it was so cold.
After the game we headed to the Party Barn where it got real fun. We ended up with about 120 people there just having a good time talking. The Senior Video was playing on a big screen and it was so much fun to get to watch people laugh and enjoy that. It made the work I did 10 years ago more than worth it.
Saturday we had a picnic at Rider in the cafeteria where everyone brought their kids and got to show them around the school. Everything except the classrooms was open. Rider has changed for the better. It's still one of the ugliest high schools but it looks better than it did!
Saturday night was the cherry on top. We had a little less than 100 there and it seemed like everyone was dancing. The DJ, Jahue Anderson, was the best ever. He played all songs from the 90's that we heard in Jr. High and High School. I believe I graduated with a unique group of girls who know how to have fun no matter where they are. I wanted to join in all the fun but having given birth to one kid and being pregnant with another prevented me from doing all the dancing I wanted to (Moms, you know what I'm talking about and I wasn't the only one doing some gentle dancing). The best compliment our reunion received was when friends of ours from our rival high school came over to ours after theirs was finished. When you have a good party you're going to draw a crowd. It was good to see them!
If you ask anyone what their favorite part of Saturday night was they will without a doubt say, "Watching Marc do the Superman Dance". Jahue played Soulja Boy just for Marc and he danced the entire song. I was proud that everyone got to see my man in action. When it got to the part where they say, "super soak that ho, super soak that ho", Marc acted like he was pumping up a super soaker and spraying people. Only me and the guys that were watching got it but it was hillarious!!!!!
Here are a few pictures from the weekend. The dork that I am I didn't take any myself so The Bindels aren't in a whole lot! I'll post more as I receive them from people - C